
Showing posts from January, 2019

Gear—What Lens Should You Use / Buy

Deciding what lens to use is fairly easy. Start with what lens do you have? If you have more than one lens, then you need to understand a few things about lenses in general, then pick from what's available to get what you want from the shot. There are lots of numbers and letters associated with camera lenses: mm, f, 1.4, 22, AF, IS, VR… Knowing what all these mean will help you decide what lens to use or buy.

Sports Photography: How To Shoot A Swim Meet - s2e15

As with any sport, shooting a swim meet can be a lot of fun. But there are a few things you should keep in mind before you start out to the pool. Beyond camera settings, you need to understand the sport if you want to know what to look for. And you need to understand the venue—the pool—if you want to know where to look for it.

PHOTOGRAPHY: It is a mindset. It is stories in light.

Photography is more about telling a story with light than it is about shutters and apertures. Do you have the right mindset to really get the most out of your camera, out of the photography experience?

First-time DSLR Users—What Settings To Use First?...

Getting your first DSLR is an exciting moment for a photographer. As soon as you get yours, you want to go out and capture some great images. Getting those first pictures shouldn't be a matter of frustration and confusion. Your camera can help you have a great time learning to select subjects and compose great shots!

Sports Photography: Camera Setup Quick Start Guide

Sports photography can be as fun as it is exciting. Getting the results you want begins with getting your camera set up. You need to keep your shutter speed high so you can freeze the action. That means you need to get everything set right before you start shooting.

Photoshop: PortriatPro 18 Natural Look Editing Example

Editing photos can lead to a wide range of looks. However, sometimes, the you want to create a nice, clean, natural look.

Photoshop: PortriatPro 18 Editing Example

Many photos are improved with editing. Depending on the goals, there are lots of different ways to edit a photo. Making a basic photo look glamorous is one way.

Photography: Canon EOS First-time DSLR Users—What Settings To Use First?...

First-time camera owners want to experience the fun of their new gear as soon as possible. For your first trip out to take pictures, let the camera worry about exposure and you focus on subject and composition.