Editing as Art

Once the image is in the camera, the work is only half done. Depending on the ultimate purposes of the image, perhaps less than half! Editing an image in the digital age has become as much a part of the art as looking through the viewfinder and capturing the image . Editing can take a good image and push it to extraordinary. What's more, different edits to the same image can change the story it tells. Editing an image in the digital age comes with liberties never considered possible when images were printed in darkrooms , then developed chemically. In the era of wet development, exploring a myriad of possibilities was not practical, yet in the digital era, nothing but limits on time (and hard drive space) prevents trying variation after variation. What is the Story? The story of an image is sometimes so apparent, the editing process is all about bringing it out from the pixels. However, sometimes, an image could tell different stories depending on how it is edited. Herein li...